Friday 28 November 2008


How can love create the life you want?

For many people the word "love" means romantic, sexual love. Yet I am talking of love in the sense of unconditional love. Simply being there for yourself or another and supporting without judgement or expectation. Maybe think of a dog or a cat that you love or your child. Think of the feelings that arise in you.

Love can actually change not just your own life but the world. This may sound very airy fairy, namby pampy, wishy washy! But love is, I believe, the most powerful thing there is. I remember reading of a young boy who had drowned and lay in a coma in a hospital bed. Doctors said he would most likely never come round and if by some chance he did then he would be brain damaged and a vegetable. His mother had a stream of visitors come to his room. They simply felt love for him and sent their love and energy to the boy and then went. After a period of time the young boy came round and got his life back.

You only need to think of the dreadful things that happen when there is a lack of love and how it feels to realise that love is very powerful and important. There are experiments that have been done when two plants receive different treatment. One is talked to with words of hate, the other with love and encouragement. The one "fed" with love flourishes and does better. You can take a group of two children and tell one that they are stupid, or worthless or not good at something and tell the other how special they are and how they can do something and guess which group does better? And how does it make you feel, for example, when you go shopping and the assistant smiles at you and is pleasant? Just little examples but consciously sending love to yourself and others really can make a huge huge difference and help you create the life you want.

There are also several books by someone called Klaus Joehl the first of which is called "Living on Love". I would recommend reading these. In them he talks about the effect that sending love can have on yourself and other people. You can change situations simply by sending love. So if there is something that is not working in your life, something that you wish to change, you can send it love. You can read the book for free here.


Gratitude is important if you want to make changes in your life. You need to appreciate what you have in order for more things that you want to happen.

By being grateful you focus on positive and nice things. Things that you enjoy in your life and like to experience. Things that make you feel good. So it will enhance all the other work that you do.

It may be that you are in a very dark place right now and cannot think of anything to be grateful for. Maybe you're up to your eyeballs in debt or your partner has just left you and you feel extremely low and depressed. So you start small. When I first started believe me I struggled to find even one thing to be grateful for! And sometimes it was more of a negative than a positive. You know, well I suppose I'm grateful it's not raining or freezing cold. If you're in a "bad" place and really struggling then it can take effort to be grateful.

But it honestly does get easier the more you do it. And along with this it helps if you can just be in the moment. So don't think about yesterday or worry about tomorrow. Just concentrate on each moment as it happens. So if you like hot baths, make the effort to really appreciate it when you have one. So not only are you feeling grateful but you are being aware of how it makes you feel, which is good. At first, other thoughts will likely come in, like well that's all good and well but I have a huge pile of bills waiting for me and no means to pay them. Accept that you've thought that and then go back to enjoying your bath. Really try to notice when you do something that makes you feel good. If you're outside and the sun suddenly shines, notice it.

If thoughts become things and like attracts like then feeling gratitude is good because you will get more of what you want.

The Law of Attraction

Many people now will have come across the Law of Attraction (LOA).

One of the main concepts of the LOA is that what we think about and believe will become our reality. We attract into our life what we think about and feel about and believe. Some people think that the LOA doesn't work because for example, they have tried to attract wealth into there life or to lose weight. It's not that the LOA doesn't work. It does. Like does attract like. It is more likely that in fact they have some other belief that is contradicting things. If you desire to be rich then you have to real believe that you ARE rich and feel rich. If say you see someone winning the lottery or buying a large house or a flashy new car, how do you react?
Do you feel happy and pleased for them? Do you see yourself as having those things? Or do you feel envious? Do you feel the lack of those things in your life? When you think of being rich do you really feel rich or do you remember the bills sitting on your kitchen table and really worry about how you're going to pay them?

And you may have heard of people who have successfully used the LOA in one area of their life - such as relationships and attracted their ideal partner but for the life of them are unable to attract any riches into their life. They use exactly the same principles but it works for one thing and not the other? How come? If it's a "law" then it can't do this. It can't work for some things or some people and not others. It has to always work. And it does!
It's just that when it "doesn't work" there are contradictory beliefs going on. There is something beneath the surface that just doesn't believe you. And no matter how hard you concentrate and try to FORCE yourself to believe you just can't.

So again, you can use the LOA to create the life you want but you need to remember that it does always work so that if you aren't creating what you want then very likely there is an underlying belief that you need to look at and work on.

Also, it is worth remembering that the LOA doesn't work instantly! We probably wouldn't be able to cope with instant creation! Imagine if we instantly got what we thought about! It works when you consistently think and believe things. Which is excellent because it means we don't need to worry too much if we think a "bad" or "negative" thought. And there is no answer to how long does it take? Some people are able to create things instantly. For example, I use it quite successfully to create a parking space. It works more times than not. But to create wealth in my life is going to take a lot longer because I've more beliefs and thoughts around this area and much more attachment to whether it works. And also if you are in financial difficulties and all you can see around you are bills to pay then it's going to be more challenging to keep your thoughts off of that and on to what you want to create.

So the LOA does work but it is not instantaneous.


This is imagining how you want things to be.

So to use the examples of wanting to be rich or wanting to lose weight you would imagine how it feels to be
rich or your ideal body weight. What would you look like? What would you be doing that is different? How would you feel? You need to think, see and feel how you would like your reality to be. You see, feel and imagine something as if it were real. And if you do this consistently then in time it will become real.

Some people find it helps to create a sort of collage of what they want. So if they wanted to be rich they would decide what this means for them and then cut out pictures from magazines that illustrate this or draw or whatever works best for them. You might have pictures of the red sports car you want or pictures of money floating from the sky or a huge mansion. Then you can look at it each day and imagine how it would feel if you had this.

The obstacle to success with this is
that you really have to be able to belief that it is real so if you have doubts these are what will be strong and you are unlikely to be able to create what you want. This process can take time, depending on what it is you are imagining and what your beliefs are so it could well be working but you decide to give up because you don't see results quickly enough and conclude that it doesn't work.

Visualisation does work but you need to really accept that you can have what you are visualising. You need to feel that it is real and that it is yours in your imagination and then it will materialise into the physical world. If you are not able to truly feel that it is yours and if any sort of resistance or argument comes up when you are visualising then you need to look more closely at what that is about and then work on it.


What are affirmations and how can they help you create the life you want?

Quite simply they are positive statements that you say to yourself in order to make whatever you are saying a reality in your life.

are always said in the present tense. For example, "I am rich" or "I am thin". It's based on the belief that the subconscious mind can't differentiate between past, future or present and doesn't recognise negatives. So, for example if you said "I'm not poor" or "I'm not fat" it would just register the poor and fat and create more of the same for you. Bit like saying "don't think of a huge pink elephant". What do you do, yes you immediately see a huge pink elephant!!! So it's important to always state something positive and in the present tense. And you keep saying your affirmations until they come true.

Some people have great success with affirmations. My belief is that the people that achieve this relatively easily have chosen affirmations that they really do believe and so don't have much resistance too. If you have been overweight or poor for many years then saying "I am rich" or "I am thin" is likely to produce a feeling of disbelief. "Yeah, right, of course I am!". If you don't believe what you are saying and repeating, it is not going to work just by saying it and repeating it. And it is likely to take a long long time to produce the results you want just using affirmations alone. Affirmations work well alongside something else and when your subconscious belief is in agreement with your conscious statement