Friday, 28 November 2008

The Law of Attraction

Many people now will have come across the Law of Attraction (LOA).

One of the main concepts of the LOA is that what we think about and believe will become our reality. We attract into our life what we think about and feel about and believe. Some people think that the LOA doesn't work because for example, they have tried to attract wealth into there life or to lose weight. It's not that the LOA doesn't work. It does. Like does attract like. It is more likely that in fact they have some other belief that is contradicting things. If you desire to be rich then you have to real believe that you ARE rich and feel rich. If say you see someone winning the lottery or buying a large house or a flashy new car, how do you react?
Do you feel happy and pleased for them? Do you see yourself as having those things? Or do you feel envious? Do you feel the lack of those things in your life? When you think of being rich do you really feel rich or do you remember the bills sitting on your kitchen table and really worry about how you're going to pay them?

And you may have heard of people who have successfully used the LOA in one area of their life - such as relationships and attracted their ideal partner but for the life of them are unable to attract any riches into their life. They use exactly the same principles but it works for one thing and not the other? How come? If it's a "law" then it can't do this. It can't work for some things or some people and not others. It has to always work. And it does!
It's just that when it "doesn't work" there are contradictory beliefs going on. There is something beneath the surface that just doesn't believe you. And no matter how hard you concentrate and try to FORCE yourself to believe you just can't.

So again, you can use the LOA to create the life you want but you need to remember that it does always work so that if you aren't creating what you want then very likely there is an underlying belief that you need to look at and work on.

Also, it is worth remembering that the LOA doesn't work instantly! We probably wouldn't be able to cope with instant creation! Imagine if we instantly got what we thought about! It works when you consistently think and believe things. Which is excellent because it means we don't need to worry too much if we think a "bad" or "negative" thought. And there is no answer to how long does it take? Some people are able to create things instantly. For example, I use it quite successfully to create a parking space. It works more times than not. But to create wealth in my life is going to take a lot longer because I've more beliefs and thoughts around this area and much more attachment to whether it works. And also if you are in financial difficulties and all you can see around you are bills to pay then it's going to be more challenging to keep your thoughts off of that and on to what you want to create.

So the LOA does work but it is not instantaneous.

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