Friday, 28 November 2008


How can love create the life you want?

For many people the word "love" means romantic, sexual love. Yet I am talking of love in the sense of unconditional love. Simply being there for yourself or another and supporting without judgement or expectation. Maybe think of a dog or a cat that you love or your child. Think of the feelings that arise in you.

Love can actually change not just your own life but the world. This may sound very airy fairy, namby pampy, wishy washy! But love is, I believe, the most powerful thing there is. I remember reading of a young boy who had drowned and lay in a coma in a hospital bed. Doctors said he would most likely never come round and if by some chance he did then he would be brain damaged and a vegetable. His mother had a stream of visitors come to his room. They simply felt love for him and sent their love and energy to the boy and then went. After a period of time the young boy came round and got his life back.

You only need to think of the dreadful things that happen when there is a lack of love and how it feels to realise that love is very powerful and important. There are experiments that have been done when two plants receive different treatment. One is talked to with words of hate, the other with love and encouragement. The one "fed" with love flourishes and does better. You can take a group of two children and tell one that they are stupid, or worthless or not good at something and tell the other how special they are and how they can do something and guess which group does better? And how does it make you feel, for example, when you go shopping and the assistant smiles at you and is pleasant? Just little examples but consciously sending love to yourself and others really can make a huge huge difference and help you create the life you want.

There are also several books by someone called Klaus Joehl the first of which is called "Living on Love". I would recommend reading these. In them he talks about the effect that sending love can have on yourself and other people. You can change situations simply by sending love. So if there is something that is not working in your life, something that you wish to change, you can send it love. You can read the book for free here.

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